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Obstructed Blood Vessels Tips
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
What is Intracranial hematoma?
An intracranial hematoma occurs when a blood vessel ruptures within your brain or between your skull and your brain. An intracranial hematoma often requires surgery to remove the blood.
Symptoms of Intracranial hematoma-
Loss of consciousness
Unequal pupil size
Weak limbs on one side of your body
Increased blood pressure
Causes of Intracranial ...more
An intracranial hematoma occurs when a blood vessel ruptures within your brain or between your skull and your brain. An intracranial hematoma often requires surgery to remove the blood.
Symptoms of Intracranial hematoma-
Loss of consciousness
Unequal pupil size
Weak limbs on one side of your body
Increased blood pressure
Causes of Intracranial ...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
MBBS, MS - General Surgery, MCh - more
Vascular Surgeon•Bangalore
What is Aortic aneurysm?
The heart is the most important muscle in your body, and its primary job is to pump the blood across. The aorta is the largest blood vessel of the human body and is used by the heart to push the blood along. The Aorta is also one of the strongest vessels, but in some cases, due to the wear and tear condition the walls can weaken and bulge in what is called an aortic aneurysm. This can cause a rupture of the vessels as a result of which, blood gets leaked into the bod...more
The heart is the most important muscle in your body, and its primary job is to pump the blood across. The aorta is the largest blood vessel of the human body and is used by the heart to push the blood along. The Aorta is also one of the strongest vessels, but in some cases, due to the wear and tear condition the walls can weaken and bulge in what is called an aortic aneurysm. This can cause a rupture of the vessels as a result of which, blood gets leaked into the bod...more
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
DNB - Infectious Disease, MBBS,MD( more
Infectious Disease Physician•Pune
कई लोगों को अपने घाव को प्राकृतिक रूप से ठीक करने की इच्छा होती है। उनकी कोशिश होती है कि वो दवाओं और केमिकल का प्रयोग किए बिना ही अपने घाव को ठीक कर लें। प्राकृतिक रूप से घाव को ठीक करने में भारत की अपनी समृद्ध परंपरा है। आर्युवेद से लेकर यूनानी तक हर तरह की चिकित्सा पद्धति में घाव को प्राकृतिक रूपसे ठीक करने के लिए जड़ी बूटी समेत प्रकृति की चीजों का इस्तेमाल होता है।
वैसे मामूली घावों के लिए, घाव को बहते पानी और एक सौम्य साबुन से साफ करने और इसे सुखाकर घाव को एक स्टेराइल पट्टी से ढकने...more
वैसे मामूली घावों के लिए, घाव को बहते पानी और एक सौम्य साबुन से साफ करने और इसे सुखाकर घाव को एक स्टेराइल पट्टी से ढकने...more
4729 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
लंपी स्किन डिजीज / लंपी त्वचा रोग
मवेशियों मे होने वाला लंपी स्किन डिजीज जिसे लंपी रोग या लंपी त्वचा रोग भी कहा जाता है। यह रोग मवेशियों का एक वायरल संक्रमण है। मूल रूप से अफ्रीका में पाया जाता है, यह मध्य पूर्व, एशिया और पूर्वी यूरोप के देशों में भी फैल गया है। रोग के लक्षणों की बात करें तो मवेशियों में बुखार, लैक्रिमेशन, हाइपरसैलिवेशन और विशिष्ट त्वचा का फटना शामिल हैं। क्लीनिकल हिस्टोपैथोलॉजी, वायरस अलगाव, या पीसीआर द्वारा इसका पता लगाया जाता है। एटेन्यूएटेड टीके ...more
113 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
Retiform Hemangioendothelioma is a low-grade tumour of the subcutaneous tissues and the skin. The condition is most commonly observed in young adults on the extremities. RH manifests as a subcutaneous nodule or a cutaneous plaque that is either asymptotic or causes local discomfort.
RH typically occurs in the lower limbs, but recently, few cases have been reported with tumours in the penis, head, and trunk.
Diagnosing Retiform Hemangioendothelioma -
The only way to ...more
RH typically occurs in the lower limbs, but recently, few cases have been reported with tumours in the penis, head, and trunk.
Diagnosing Retiform Hemangioendothelioma -
The only way to ...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
Piles are the tortuous veins which bulge out in the anal canal. There are so many factors responsible for this engorgement of the anal veins. The most common cause is chronic constipation. In such condition patients have to strain for defecation which puts pressure on the veins leading to congestion & engorgement.
When these veins get ruptured by passing hard stools or due to straining it initiates characteristic painless bleeding. Bleeding may be in the form of fresh blood drops or spu...more
When these veins get ruptured by passing hard stools or due to straining it initiates characteristic painless bleeding. Bleeding may be in the form of fresh blood drops or spu...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged superficial veins that typically appear in the feet and legs.
For many people, the condition is simply a cosmetic concern while for others varicose veins include symptoms like swelling, discomfort and aching.
What Causes Varicose Veins?
Doctors believe that damaged or weak valves may cause varicose veins. Arteries carry oxygenated blood from your heart to other parts of the body and the veins send it back to your heart for recirculation. The ...more
For many people, the condition is simply a cosmetic concern while for others varicose veins include symptoms like swelling, discomfort and aching.
What Causes Varicose Veins?
Doctors believe that damaged or weak valves may cause varicose veins. Arteries carry oxygenated blood from your heart to other parts of the body and the veins send it back to your heart for recirculation. The ...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
Many surveys have proved that homeopathic medicines are extremely effective in treating all these cases of viral fever related to Dengue and Chikungunya, thereby help in restoring the health of the patient. Let us see one by one how homeopathy can help in the prevention and cure of both:
Dengue is a mosquito-borne infectious disease, which causes flu-like symptoms. The disease is caused by 4 different viruses and is spread by the Aedes species of mosquitos. Dengue affects yo...more
Dengue is a mosquito-borne infectious disease, which causes flu-like symptoms. The disease is caused by 4 different viruses and is spread by the Aedes species of mosquitos. Dengue affects yo...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
It is gastrointestinal bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract, commonly defined as bleeding arising from the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum. Blood is often observed in vomit (hematemesis) or in the stool (melena). Upper gastrointestinal bleeding denotes a medical emergency and typically requires hospital care for primary diagnosis and treatment. The incidence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding is 50-150 individuals per 100,000 annually. Depending on its severity, it carries an estimated m...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
As we go about life and routine activities, we may be exposed to a lot of different types of environments. We may have to travel in heavy traffic and may be exposed to vehicular pollution, there may be times when we are at places that allow smoking and that may expose us to smoke from cigarettes. Our nature of work today requires us to be constantly in a situation where we take in industrial fumes and exhausts. Being in any of these conditions temporarily may not be a big matter of worry, but wh...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Varicose Veins is a condition in which an individual s veins become swollen and warped or twisted, which is visible on the skin. This condition most often is prevalent in the legs but can occur in any part of the body. Varicose Veins is a common medical condition with a few symptoms and signs. It affects the skin tone and texture for which some people undergo a treatment.
These symptoms might not affect the person seriously, but they can get severe depending upon different conditions....more
These symptoms might not affect the person seriously, but they can get severe depending upon different conditions....more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Infection is generally understood as the invasion into the body tissues of an organism by certain foreign bodies such as bacteria, parasite, and virus. They are transmissible diseases and can be transmitted from one person to the other via sneezing, coughing or physical contact. They can be mild, moderate or severe.
* They can be acute, that is, can last for a short time, or chronic that lasts for a long time, or a latent infection that may not cause any symptoms at first but reactivate...more
* They can be acute, that is, can last for a short time, or chronic that lasts for a long time, or a latent infection that may not cause any symptoms at first but reactivate...more
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